Egle Vindasiute

Name, surname: Eglė Vindašiūtė
DOB: 1985.05.03
Address: Vilnius Implantology Center, Polocko 21/Žvirgždyno 1, Vilnius LT-01205, Lithuania
El.paštas: [email protected] Phone number: +370 686 74955


2003 – 2008 Vilnius University, general practice dentist


2010 Conference Quintessence Baltic 2010 ”Challenges and Achievements in Restorative and Functional Dentistry” Kaunas, Lithuania.
2010 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Glasgow, Scotland.
2010 The Second International BOA Congress. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2010 Dogmas in prosthetic dentistry. Critical point of view. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2010 Innovations in general dental practise. Palanga, Lithuania.
2010 ITI World Symposium. Geneva, Switzerland.
2010 General dental practitioners’ conference for St.Apolonia day. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2009 BOA Symposium. Druskininkai, Lithuania.
2009 15th Annual meeting of general practice dentists of Lithuania. Druskininkai, Lithuania.
2009 Vilnius Research Group and T.Linkevicius precongress course „The influence of deep subgingivally placed implant on the construction of the prostheses“. Druskininkai, Lithuania.
2009 20th European Students’ Conference. Berlin, Germany.
2009 18th Annual Scietific Meeting of EAO. Monaco.
2009 1st International BOA congress. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2009 Annual meeting of Lithuanian prosthodontists society. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2009 Annual meeting of general practice dentists of Lithuania. Palanga, Lithuania.
2008 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2008 1st BOA conference „Oral rehabilitation with dental implants“. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2008 19th European Students‘ Conference. Berlin, Germany.
2008 Annual meeting of Lithuanian periodontal society. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2008 “Addressing and Solving Compromised Situations in Implant Dentistry”. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2008 “Microsurgery in Periodontal Plastic Surgery”. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2007 “Maximum aesthetics – biological compatibility in aesthetical restorations”. Vilnius, Lithuania.


  1. „The influence of subgingivally located margins on the amount of undetected cement”
    Co-author of short oral communication. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Glasgow, Scotland.
  2. „Evaluation of aesthetics of implant-supported single-tooth replacments: retrospective study of two different techniques using pink esthetic score“
    Co-author of poster presentation. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Glasgow, Scotland, 2010.
  3. „The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”
    Co-author poster presentation. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Glasgow, Scotland, 2010.
  4. „The influence of implant restorations margin location on removal of the cement”
    Lecture. The Second International BOA Congress. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2010.
  5. „Implanto atramos laiptelio gylis po dantenomis gali nulemti likusio neišvalyto cemento kiekį. In vitro tyrimas“
    Co-author poster presentation. OOSK conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010.
  6. “Pavienių dantų protezų ant implantų estetinio rezultato įvertinimas“
    Co-author poster presentation. OOSK conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010.
  7. „Atspaudinės medžiagos ir implanto įsriegimo gylio įtaka atspaudinės detalės stabilumui“
    Co-author poster presentation. OOSK conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010.
  8. “Cemento likučių kontrolė cementuojant protezus ant implantų: ar ji yra įmanoma?“
    Co-author of the lecture. Innovations in dental practise. Palanga, Lithuania, 2010.
  9. „The influence of subgingivally located margins on amount of undetected cement remnants after delivery of cement-retained implant restorations“
    Poster presentation. ITI World Symposium. Poster winner in prosthodontics. Ženeva, Switzerland, 2010.
  10. „The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”
    Co-author of the poster presentation. ITI World Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
  11. “Studies of chemical interactions between zirconia and veneering ceramics“
    Co-author of the poster presentation. ITI World Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
  12. “Evaluation of aesthetics of implant-supported single-tooth replacements: retrospective study of two different techniques using pink esthetic score“
    Co-author of the poster presentation. ITI World Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010.
  13. „The influence of cement type on the separation of the framework from the prosthetic abutment under exposure to temperature”.
    1st place in the 20th European Students’ Conference, Dentistry session. 4th best presentation in the Zondek-award session. Berlin, Germany. 2009. (Research supervisor T.Linkevičius, DDS, PhD).
  14. „The influence of cement type on the separation of the framework from the prosthetic abutment under exposure to temperature”.
    18th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Monaco, 2009.
  15. „The influence of cement type on the separation of the framework from the prosthetic abutment under exposure to temperature”. 3rd place in Scientific Student conference of Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009.
  16. „Evaluation of centric relation registration techniques and factors associated with temporomandibular disorders“ 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry, Vilnius, Lietuva, 2008.
  17. „Evaluation of centric relation registration techniques and factors associated with temporomandibular disorders“ 2nd place in 19th European Students‘ Conference, Dentistry section. Berlin, Germany, 2008.
  18. „Evaluation of centric relation registration techniques and factors associated with temporomandibular disorders” 2nd place in Scientific Student conference of Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.


2008 – present Vilnius Implantology Center, DDS


Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists
Baltic Association for Osseointergration


Vindasiute E, Linkevicius T, Puisys A, Rutkunas V. „Influence of subgingivally located margins on amount of undetected cement“. Clin Oral Impl Res 2010; 21(10): 1008-1009
Puisys A, Linkevicius T, Maslova N, Vindasiute E, Grybauskas S. “Evaluation of pink esthetics of implant-supported single-tooth replacements”. Clin Oral Impl Res 2010; 21(10): 1027-1028
Linkevicius T, Vindasiute E, Puisys A, Rutkunas V. “The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of an open tray impression coping”. Clin Oral Impl Res 2010; 21(10): 1158
Puisys A, Krukonis G, Grybauskas S, Linkevičius T, Vindasiute E, Vladimirovas E. „Clinical success rates of submerged and non-submerged implant placement“. Clin Oral Impl Res 2009; 20(9):900
Linkevicius T, Vindasiute E, Krukonis G, Vladimirovas E, Puisys A, Grybauskas S. „The influence of cement type on separation of crown from the prosthetic abutment under exposure of temperature“. Clin Oral Impl Res 2009; 20(9):1023
Vindasiute E, Rutkunas V. „Evaluation of centric relation registration techniques and factors associated with temporomandibular disorders“. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:11.