Name, surname: Olga Švedienė
Birth date: 1985.04.28
Address: Vilnius University, Zalgirio str. 115/117, LT- 08217 Vilnius, Lithuania
Email: obarzdaite@gmail.com Phone number: +370 673 72571
2010 – present residency in prosthodontics at Vilnius University
2004 – 2010 general practice dentistry studies and graduation at Vilnius University
2010 – present Vilnius University, postgraduate studies
Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists.
2010 Conference Quintessence Baltic 2010 ”Challenges and Achievements in Restorative and Functional Dentistry” Kaunas, Lithuania.
2010 International conference of dentists “Innovations in dental practice”. Druskininkai, Lithuania.
2010 The 2nd International BOA Congress. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2010 The 5th Baltic Sea Region Conference in Medical Sciences. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2010 Dogmas in prosthetic dentistry. Critical point of view. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2010 Planning the treatment of difficult clinical cases. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2009 15th Annual meeting of general practice dentists of Lithuania. Druskininkai, Lithuania.
2008 The 1st International BOA congress. Kaunas, Lithuania.
2007 Basics of occlusion. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2007 Composite restorations – „State of the Art“. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2007 Restoring the correct posterior occlusal surfaces with direct composites under rubber dam isolation in quadrant dental treatment. Vilnius, Lithuania.
2007 Direct restoration of canine guidance with composites. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- „The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”. The 2nd International BOA Congress. Kaunas, Lithuania. 2010
- „The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”. The 5th Baltic Sea Region Conference in Medical Sciences, Dental surgery and dentistry, general surgery and transplantology session, 3–4th place. Vilnius, Lithuania. 2010
- „The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”. Co-author of poster presentation in conference „Dogmas in prosthetic dentistry. Critical point of view“. Vilnius, Lithuania. 2010
- 4„The influence of impression material and implant placement depth on stability of open tray impression coping”. 3rd place in Scientific Student conference of Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania. 2010.
- Alina Pūrienė, Jūratė Žekonienė, Aistė Navikienė, Olga Švedienė. Dentino jautrumas ir jį mažinančios poliruojamosios pastos efektyvumas po visos burnos dezinfekcijos. Sveikatos mokslai, 2011;21(2):52-56.
- Alina Pūrienė, Olga Švedienė. Dentino jautrumas. Paplitimas, etiopatogenezė ir diagnostika. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, Supplement, 2010;2:11-14.
- Olga Švedienė, Alina Pūrienė, Aistė Navikienė. Visos burnos dezinfekcija. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, Supplement, 2010;3:6-10.
- Alina Pūrienė, Olga Švedienė. Dentino jautrumas. Gydymas ir profilaktika. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, Supplement, 2010;4:5-7.