Name: Tomas Linkevicius
Birth date: 1977.05.19
Address: The Vilnius Implantology Center, Polocko str. 21/1, LT-01205 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius Research Group, Brazuoles 34, Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: linktomo@gmail.com Telephone number: +370 687 72840
2009 PhD studies in Riga Stradins University
2000 – 2004 residency in prosthodontics at Vilnius University
1995 – 2000 general practice dentistry studies and graduation at Kaunas Medical University
Doctor of Medicine (PhD) – 2009.05.29, Riga Stradins University, Latvia
Subject of Dissertation – The influence of mucosal tissue thickness on crestal bone stability around dental implants..
- “Positioning of teeth in implant-supported restorations“. Keynote lecture. 1st international BOA congress. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2009.
- “Can we overload dental implants?“ Lithuanian society of Prosthodontists conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009.
- “Prosthodontists role in implantology” General practice dentists conference. Palanga, Lithuania, 2009.
- Esthetical gingiva formation” “Neodenta” conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2008.
- “The influence of thin gingival tissues on crestal bone stability around implants with platform switching. A 1-year pilot study.” 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
- “The influence of thin gingival tissues on crestal bone stability around implants with platform switching” Poster. 17th EAO conference. Warsaw, Poland, 2008.
- “Clinical evaluation of fixed zirconium-based restorations on implants” Poster. 17th EAO conference. Warsaw, Poland, 2008.
- “Difficult cases using implants in prosthodontics” 1st BOA conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2008.
- “Implants in aesthetical zone. Easy and difficult cases.“ 2nd West Lithuania conference “Topicalities in dental practice” Palanga, Lithuania, 2008.
- “Implants appliance in edentulous patients treatment” Science in dental practice” conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
- “Gingiva formation against prosthesis” Lithuanian Association of Periodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
- “Teeth or implants? Attitude of prosthodontist” Lithuanian Association of Endodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007.
- “Effect of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants. A 1 year prospective controlled randomized study” 2nd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Riga, Latvia, 2007.
- “Clinical analysis of cement-screw retained restorations on implants” 2nd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Riga, Latvia, 2007.
- “The influence of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone stability around implants” Poster. 16th EAO conference. Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
- “Retrospective analysis of cement-screw retained restorations on implants” 12th meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists. Fukuoka, Japan, 2007.
- “Prosthesis on implants. Introduction and difficult cases.” Academic and practical courses. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007 September – December.
- “Cement-screw retained restorations on implants” Lithuanian general practice dentists conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2007.
- “Soft tissue around implants” 1st Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Parnu, Estonia, 2007.
- “Cement-screw retained restorations on implants” „Baltic Compass“ united Oulu University and Kaunas Medical University conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2007.
- “Biologic width around implants” 6th Baltic workshop on osseointegrated implants. Riga, Latvia, 2006.
- “Fixed prosthesis failures” Annual Lithuanian prosthodontists meeting. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2005.
- “Fixed and removable prosthesis on implants” Lithuanian Dental Chamber conference. Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2005.
- “Restorations planning on implants after bone”Lithuanian Association of Periodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2005.
- “Maxillofacial prosthesies” International conference “Neck and face functional reconstruction”. Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2004.
2008 Assistant proffesor, Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Odontology.
2008 – Assistant proffesor, Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Odontology.
2004 – Vilnius Implantology Center, prosthodontist
2004 – 2006 Vilnius University hospital Zalgiris clinic, prosthodontist
2001- 2004 Vilnius University, postgraduate studies
International College of Prosthodontists
European Osseointegration Academy
Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists
Lithuanian society of Prosthodontists
Baltic Osseointergration Academy
- Scientific supervisor of medical student Egle Vindasiute presentation “The influnce of cement type on separation ability of the framework from prosthetic abutment after exposure to temperature” winning the 3rd place in Scientific Student Conference in Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, section of Odontology. Vilnius, Lithuania 2009.
- Travel grant for poster presentation “The influence of thin gingival tissues on crestal bone stability around implants with platform switching” in the 17th annual Scientific Meeting of EAO, Warsaw, Poland 2008.
- Internship supervisor of E. Vindasiute and G. Krukonis 2008-2009.
- Co-author of 3 books “Clinical odontology (Oral diseases)”, “Dental technology: theory and practice” and “Dental hygienist: theory and practice”. Vilnius, 2008
- Scientific supervisor of medical student Eugenijus Vladimirovas presentation “Retrospective analysis of implant-supported fixed metal-ceramic restorations” winning first place in Scientific Student Conference in Kaunas Medical University, section of Odontology, Kaunas, 2008.
- Internship supervisor of E.Vladimirovas 2007-2008
- Invited reviewer for “International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2007.
- Holder of patent for invention LT5460“Tooth prosthesis system and method for making thereof” 2007.
- Co-author of book “Prophylaxis of oral diseases” 2004.
- 2009
- Puisys A, Krukonis G, Grybauskas S, Linkevicius T, Vindasiute E, Vladimirovas E. Clinical success rates of submerged and non-submerged implant placement. Clin Oral Impl Res 2009; 20(9):900.
- Linkevicius T, Vindasiute E, Krukonis G, Vladimirovas E, Puisys A, Grybauskas S. The influence of cement type on separation of crown from the prosthetic abutment under exposure of temperature. Clin Oral Impl Res 2009; 20(9):1023
- Linkevicius T, Apse P. Influence of abutment material on stability of peri-implant tissues. A systematic review. J Prost Dent 2009(2):143. Abstract reprint from Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:449-456.
- Grybauskas S, Puisys A, Linkevicius T. 3D disgnostics in contemporary implantology. Does conventional ortopantomography still meet our needs? Abstracts of the First International BOA Congress. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2009, Vol.11, 1:4.
- Linkevicius T. Positioning of teeth in implant-supported restorations. Abstracts of the First International BOA Congress. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2009, Vol.11, 1:5-6.
- 2008
- Linkevicius T, Vladimirovas E, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. Veneer fracture in implant-supported metal-ceramic restorations. Part I: Overall success rate and impact of occlusal guidance. Stomatologija. 2008;10(4):133-9.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. The influence of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants. A 1-year prospective controlled clinical trial. In press Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. The influence of thin gingival tissues on crestal bone stability around implants with platform switching. Clin Oral Impl Res 2008; 19(9):879.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. Reaction of crestal bone around implants to mucosal tissues of different thickness. A 1-year prospective clinical trial. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal in press.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. The influence of thin gingival tissues on crestal bone stability around implants with platform switching. A 1-year pilot study. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:11.
- Staneikaite R, Maslova N, Grybauskas S, Puisys A, Linkevicius T. Clinical and histological comparison of two materials for sinus augmentation before implant placement. A pilot study. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:12.
- Grybauskas S, Stacevicius M, Puisys A, Linkevicius T. Intraoperative factors affecting onlay block graft resorption. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:12.
- Puisys A, Krukonis G, Linkevicius T, Grybauskas S. Clinical success rates of submerged and non-sumerged implant placement. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:12.
- Vladimirovas E, Linkevicius T, Puisys A, Grybauskas S. Short-term clinical evaluation of fixed zirconium-based restorations on implants. Abstracts of the 3rd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol.10., Suppl.5:13.
- Linkevicius T, Vladimirovas E, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. Clinical evaluation of fixed zirconium-based restorations on implants. Clin Oral Impl Res 2008; 19(9):895.
- Linkevičius T. Prognozė. Poprotezinė priežiūra ir pataisos. Skyrius iš “Klinikinė odontologija (Burnos ligos)”. Sudarytoja I.Balčiūnienė, 2008, 763-779.
- Linkevičius T. Pacientų, protezuotų fiksuotais protezais, burnos higiena. Skyrius iš “Burnos higienisto veikla: teorija ir praktika”. Sudarytoja A. Pūrienė, 2008, 473-476.
- Linkevičius T. Fiksuoti protezai ant implantų. Skyrius iš „Dantų technologija: teorija ir praktika”. Sudarytojai Z. Kiaulinienė ir Vl. Mameniškis.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P. Influence of abutment material on stability of peri-implant tissues. A systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:449-456.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P. Biologic width around implants. An evidence-based review. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacilal Journal, 2008;10:27-35.
- Vladimirovas E, Linkevičius T, Puišys A, Grybauskas S. Šiuolaikinių fiksuotų protezų ant implantų apdailos skilimo tikimybės įvertinimas. Stominfo, 2008;2:26-35.
- Rutkunas V, Mizutani H, Peciuliene V, Bendinskaite R, Linkevicius T. Maxillary complete denture outcome with two-implant supported mandibular overdentures. A systematic review. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacilal Journal, 2008;10:10-15.
- 2007
- Linkevičius T, Grybauskas S, Puišys A. Vienatūrių implantų panaudojimas estetinėje zonoje. Stominfo, 2007; 6:29-31.
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. Effect of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants. A 1-year prospective controlled randomized clinical study. Abstracts of the 2nd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol.4., Suppl.1:28
- Linkevicius T. Clinical analysis of cement-screw retained restorations on implants. Abstracts of the 2nd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry.Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol.4 ., Suppl.1:34
- Grybauskas S, Puisys A, Linkevicius T, Stacevicius M. Introperative factors affecting bone block graft resorption. Abstracts of the 2nd Baltic Scientific Conference of Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol.4., Suppl.1:22
- Linkevicius T, Apse P, Grybauskas S, Puisys A. The influence of soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants. Abstracts of 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of EAO. Clin Oral Impl Res, 2007;18(5):48.
- Linkevicius T. Clinical Analysis of Cement-screw retained restorations. Abstracts of 12th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists. Expanding horizons of Prosthodontics: 65.
- 2006
- Linkevicius T, Apse P. Biologic width around implants. Abstracts of the 1st Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2006, Vol. 8., Suppl. 3:46.
- Linkevičius T, Grybauskas S, Puišys A. Ankstyvas implantų apkrovimas plastmasiniu laikinu protezu. Stominfo, 2006;3:23-26.
- Linkevičius T, Grybauskas S, Puišys A. Cementuojami-prisukami protezai ant implantų. Stominfo, 2006; 5:10-12.
- Grybauskas S, Puišys A, Linkevičius T. Šiuolaikiniai dantų implantai. Gydymo menas, 2006;10.
- Grybauskas S, Puišys A, Linkevičius T. Ortognatinė chirurgija – kaip padaryti veidą patrauklų. 2006;9.
- Puisys A, Grybauskas S, Linkevicus T. Analysis of early failures of two-piece non-submerged implants. J Clin Periodntol 2006;33(s7):132.
- Linkevicius T. Screw-cement retained fixed prostheses on implants. Abstracts of Baltic Compass. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2006;1; Suppl 2:14
- Linkevičius T, Grybauskas S, Puišys A. Dantenų formavimas prieš protezavimą. Atvejo aprašymas. Stominfo, 2006;2:24-28.
- Linkevičius T, Grybauskas S, Puišys A. Implantų protezavimas po kaulo augmentacijos. Stominfo, 2006;1:20-26.
- 1999-2005
- Linkevicienė L, Olekas J, Linkevicius T. The epidemiology of cleft lip and palate in Lithuania. The proceedings of 10th international congress on cleft palate and related craniofacial anomalies. Durban, 2005.
- Linkevičius T. Burnos ligų profilaktika ortopedinėje odontologijoje. Skyrius iš Balčiunienė I, Bendinskaitė R, Grigaitė G, Linkevičius T, Manelienė R, Pūrienė A, Rimkuvienė J. „Burnos ligų profilaktika”. Vilnius 2004, 99-111.
- Linkevičius T. Fiksuotų protezų nesėkmės. Biologiniai faktoriai. Stominfo 2004;1:7-12.
- Linkevičius T. Fiksuotų protezų nesėkmės. Techniniai faktoriai. Stominfo 2004;4:21-25.
- Linkevičius T. Fiksuotų protezų nesėkmės. Priežastys ir prevencija. Stominfo 2003;4:18-22.
- Linkevicius T, Dubosas L, Cepulis V. The rehabilitation possibilities of the post-resection defects of facial bones and surrounding soft tissues in cancer patients (literature review) Medicina, 2002; 38(8):785-791.
- Gleiznys A, Paškevičienė S, Linkevičius T, Rutkūnas V. Mikšto pagrindo panaudojimas dalinių plokštelinių protezų fiksacijai. Stomatologija 2001;1: 31-33.
- Linkevičius T, Rutkūnas V, Zimnickas S. Minkšto pagrindo ir metalinio tinklelio panaudojimas dalinių plokštelinių protezų fiksacijai. KMU studentų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų tezės 2000;2:209-210A.
- Linkevičius T, Rutkūnas V. Estetinis plokštelinių protezų individualizavimas. KMU studentų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų tezės 2000;2:202-203.
- Linkevičius T, Rutkūnas V. Estetinis viršutinių priekinių dantų protezavimas. Stomatologija 1999;4:25-27.
- Linkevičius T, Rutkūnas V. Estetinis viršutinių priekinių dantų protezavimas išimamais protezais. KMU studentų ir jaunųjų mokslininkų tezės. 1999.
1st international BOA congress. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2009.
Lithuanian society of Prosthodontists conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009.
General practice dentists conference. Palanga, Lithuania, 2009.
3rd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
Lithuanian Association of Periodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
17th EAO conference. Warsaw, Poland, 2008.
Lithuanian Association of Endodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007.
2nd Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Riga, Latvia 2007.
16th EAO conference. Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
12th meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists. Fukuoka, Japan, 2007.
Lithuanian general practice dentists conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2007.
Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh clinical courses. Riga, Latvia, 2007.
1st Baltic Scientific Conference in Dentistry. Parnu, Estonia, 2007.
International congress „Biohorizons global symposium“. Cologne, Germany, 2006.
„Baltic Compass“ united Oulu University and Kaunas Medical University conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2006.
International congress „10 Year CEREC“ Berlin, Germany, 2006.
2nd European Conference on the Reconstruction of the Periodontally Diseased Patient. Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005.
Conference of Dental Chamber of Lithuania. Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2005.
Lithuanian Association of Periodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2005.
„Baltic Compass“ united Oulu University and Kaunas Medical University conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2005.
11th Meeting of the International College of Prosthodontists. Crete, Greece, 2005.
1st European Conference on the Reconstruction of the Periodontally Diseased Patient. Viena, Austria, 2004.
International conference “Functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of the face”. Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2004.
Lithuanian Association of Periodontology conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2004.
KaVo “Arcus Digma” training. Germany, 2004.